Amiga Collections: Taifun
Taifun 120 (1989-11-15)(Ossowski, Stefan)(DE)(PD).zip
Taifun 120 (1989-11-15)(Ossowski, Stefan)(DE)(PD).adf
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Text File
188 lines
The Preferable Preferences
(c) Copyright 1989 Jonathan Potter
Introducing... PPrefs - The Preferable Preferences.
This program is Public Domain, and may be freely redistributed as long as
this document file accompanies the executable. It may NOT be used on any
commercial product of ANY form without prior permission from the author.
PPrefs is a PUBLIC DOMAIN program designed to replace the standard Commodore
Preferences with a Preferences that is shorter, more efficient and easier to
use, and it does just that. The standard 1.3 Preferences is 56K long; PPrefs
is 18K long - a saving of 38K. Not only that, but PPrefs does everything
Preferences does, and more. I have tried to make PPrefs as similar to
Preferences as possible, to avoid confusion, and to make switching to PPrefs
easier, but all the functions are documented below anyway.
USE - accept the current preferences settings, but do NOT save
CANCEL - return to the preferences settings in use before PPrefs
was run.
SAVE - accept the current preferences settings, and save them.
DEFAULT SETTINGS - get the default 1.3 preferences settings.
LAST SAVED - load the last saved preferences settings from disk.
Workbench colour - The four large coloured squares choose which colour to
work with.
RESET COLOURS resets the colours to those in use before
PPrefs was run.
R, G and B proportional gadgets select the amount of
RED, GREEN and BLUE in current colour. These amounts are
displayed after the appropriate gadget.
Keyboard Repeat - DELAY proportional gadget selects the delay before key
begins to repeat.
SPEED proportional gadget selects the speed of repeat.
Text Size - xx COLUMN TEXT selects either 60 or 80 column text.
INTERLACE - selects Workbench interlace either on or off. This
modification will only take effect if you save the
settings, and then reboot.
Mouse - SPEED selects the speed with which the mouse moves.
DOUBLE CLICK selects the time between the two clicks of
a double click.
Screen Position - large horizontal/vertical proportional gadgets selects
the current screen position.
Screen Size - SCREEN WIDTH selects the width of the screen from 640 to
767. The width is displayed after the gadget title.
SCREEN HEIGHT selects the height of the screen from
200 to 327 for NTSC, or 256 to 383 for PAL (double these
values if INTERLACE is on). The height is displayed after
the gadget title.
These modifications will only take effect if you save the
settings, and then reboot.
SERIAL - Takes you to the SERIAL settings window.
PRINTER - Takes you to the PRINTER settings window.
POINTER - Takes you to the POINTER settings window.
Serial Settings
BAUD RATE - Selects the default baud rate of the serial port.
BUFFER SIZE - Selects the default buffer size of the serial port.
PARITY - Selects the default parity of the serial port.
HANDSHAKE - Selects the type of handshaking to use.
READ BITS - Selects the number of read bits.
WRITE BITS - Selects the number of write bits.
STOP BITS - Selects the number of stop bits.
USE - Accept the serial settings and return to main PPrefs
CANCEL - Reject the serial settings and return to main PPrefs
Printer Settings
PRINTER TYPE - Select either parallel or serial printer.
PAPER TYPE - Select either fanfold or single sheet paper.
PITCH - Select either pica, elite or fine pitch.
LEFT MARGIN - Select the left margin.
RIGHT MARGIN - Select the right margin.
PAPER SIZE - Select the size of paper being used.
QUALITY - Select either draft or NLQ print quality.
SPACING - Select either 6 or 8 lines/inch spacing.
PAPER LENGTH - Select the length of one sheet of paper in lines.
SELECT PRINTER - Select which printer driver to use.
NAME - Select the name of the custom printer if Custom is
the selected printer.
GRAPHIC 1 - Takes you to the Graphic 1 window.
GRAPHIC 2 - Takes you to the Graphic 2 window.
USE - Accept the printer settings and return to main PPrefs
CANCEL - Reject the printer settings and return to main PPrefs
Graphic 1
THRESHOLD - Determine the threshold for B&W printing.
ASPECT - Select either horizontal or vertical printing.
IMAGE - Select either positive or negative image.
SHADE - Select B&W, gray scale or colour printing.
USE - Accept the Graphic 1 settings and return to printer
settings window.
CANCEL - Reject the Graphic 1 settings and return to printer
settings window.
Graphic 2
SMOOTHING - Select smoothing of diagonal lines on or off.
Is mutually exclusive with Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
LEFT OFFSET - Select the horizontal offset for a printed picture in
DENSITY - Select the graphic print density.
COL CORRECT. - Select RED, GREEN and BLUE colour correction on or off.
CENTER - Select horizontal centering on or off.
DITHERING - Select dithering to use.
SCALING - Select fraction or integer scaling.
LIMITS - Select type of print limits.
WIDTH LIMIT - Select the width limit.
HEIGHT LIMIT - Select the height limit.
USE - Accept the Graphic 2 settings and return to printer
settings window.
CANCEL - Reject the Graphic 2 settings and return to printer
settings window.
Pointer Settings
Pointer Colour - The three large coloured squares choose which colour to
work with.
RESET COLOUR resets the colours to those in use before
you entered Pointer Settings.
R, G and B proportional gadgets select the amount of
RED, GREEN and BLUE in current colour.
Drawing - To draw in the current colour, click the left mouse
button inside the square containing the magnified
pointer image.
To delete a point, use the right mouse button.
RESTORE - Restore the pointer to its settings when you entered
Pointer Settings.
CLEAR - Clear the pointer area.
HOT SPOT - Select the hot spot (point) of the pointer.
X FLIP - Flip the pointer along the X axis.
Y FLIP - Flip the pointer along the Y axis.
USE - Accept the Pointer settings and return to the main PPrefs
CANCEL - Reject the Pointer settings and return to the main PPrefs
The only feature present in Preferences that is missing in PPrefs is the
time/date gadget. If anyone desperately wants this included, let me know, but
I find it hard to believe that anyone seriously uses Preferences to set the
date and time.
Please send any comments, suggestions, bug reports, commercial enquiries,
or spare cash to :
Jonathan Potter
3 William Street
Clarence Park
South Australia 5034
phone : (08) 2932788 (home)